
Sherman Counseling

The Importance of Child Counseling after Divorce

Teen Speaking

Divorce doesn’t just affect the couple involved. It has a ripple effect throughout the family. Children can be particularly susceptible to the aftermath of divorce because they have to adjust to a lifestyle completely unfamiliar to them. Let’s take look at what child counseling can do to ease the transition after divorce.

Establish Communication in the Family

Communication between adults and children does not always come easy. You may tell your child that you love him over and over again, but that doesn’t mean he will interpret it in the way that you say. After a divorce, communication is crucial to helping children feel loved, accepted, supported, and hopeful for the future. One of the biggest goals and child counseling and family counseling is to find communication strategies that work for the child and for the parents. A therapist can help you see issues with your communications strategies that you may not realize, and they can help you find personalized solutions that fit your family.

Going to counseling together also shows your child that you want to create a positive environment for him. You and your former spouse may not have worked out, but you are willing to take steps for the sake of the child. That sends a great message of support.

Alleviate Concerns Your Child May Have

Your child may feel like he or she is to blame for the divorce. This is a common concern, regardless of the circumstances surrounding your divorce. Your child may not be old enough to understand why you are no longer together. The child only knows what he or she sees, which may lead to the conclusion that he or she is to blame in some way.

Your child may also have concerns about seeing both of his parents, losing friends, or not being loved anymore. With child counseling, you can address each of these concerns and show your child that there is nothing to fear.

Prepare for Life after Divorce

Child counseling and family counseling often go hand-in-hand. Most children benefit from a combination of individual therapy and family therapy. You and your former spouse can use this as an opportunity to develop co-parenting strategies that work for you. You can also prepare your child for upcoming changes, including scheduling changes, living arrangements, vacations, etc.

Resolve Struggles from the Marriage

Before the divorce, chances are there were some sources of tension in the household. Your child may still be processing emotions from that tension. Therapy provides a platform to bring closure to the past and build hope for the future. Your child can talk about his or her experiences in a confidential, judgement-free setting. Then you, as a family, can learn how to resolve conflicts and prevent new ones from arising.

Children Aren’t the Only Ones Who Benefit from Post-Divorce Counseling…

Child counseling after divorce is important, but so is individual counseling for adults. Your life is changing, and you’re likely dealing with a slew of emotions. Your therapist can help you get through the transition and find happiness in this new chapter of your life. If you have issues with anxiety, self-esteem, anger management, depression, or anything else, you can find solutions through therapy. You can also have a positive support system to turn to when you need it most.

For more information about child counseling, family counseling or individual counseling after divorce, contact Sherman Counseling at 920-733-2065.

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