
Sherman Counseling


Finding Meaning in the Midst of Hopelessness

Finding Meaning in the Midst of Hopelessness

Suicide affects millions of individuals and their loved ones worldwide. While addressing the factors leading to suicide and providing support is critical, it's equally important to explore the...

Do the hard things!

Do the hard things!

The beginning of August always reminds me of years ago when I was either playing or coaching football. The excitement of double sessions and the beginning of a new season. Every team is undefeated...

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

In 1949 May was selected as the month to increase our awareness regarding mental health. Originally, the month was focused on increasing the awareness surrounding the recovery from mental illness....



It appears winter has finally come to an end. The grass is greener, flowers are pushing through the soil, and the air is warmer. The cold, dark winter is quickly becoming a distant memory. At one...

A Diamond in the Rough

A Diamond in the Rough

“The times demand big men. Not men who are big shots, but men who are big in heart and mind. Great men! Large-souled men!” - Richard Halverson One of my children’s favorite movies growing up was...

Gift of being Present

Gift of being Present

As we head into the last month of winter, we may be tempted to feel as if Spring will never arrive. Yes, the days are frigid and most likely there will be more snow to come. But if you slow down,...

The Meaning of Christmas

The Meaning of Christmas

During this busy time of year, we may forget the true meaning of the holidays. We focus on running from place to place without even thinking of the purpose of the event. We spend time and money at...

Gratitude and Perspective

Gratitude and Perspective

Over the past 6 plus years, I have been studying the concept of resilience and more specifically, curious about the research on how to develop resilience within others (especially students). I first...

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