Child Adolescent Issues


Childhood And Adolescent Disorders

Childhood and adolescence can be challenging for a number of reasons due to physical and psychological events. Behavior changes are typically caused by factors that are biochemical, environmental, or perhaps a combination of the two.

Playing with Blocks

Treatment For Childhood And Adolescent Disorders

Many of our counselors at Sherman Counseling have extensive experience working with younger clients. We typically begin by having a session with both the parent/guardian and the child. This helps us gather what it may be that is troubling your child and which behaviors are stressful to the parent/guardian. We encourage the parent/guardian to play a role in the healing process or management of symptoms of the child. We try to keep the parents involved and have them develop a deeper understanding of the issues that their child is attempting to manage.

We realize that as a parent, seeing your child struggle can be a very difficult experience. At Sherman Counseling, we try to assist in any way we can to alleviate the stress that goes along with parenting a teenager.

In many cases, a young person will begin to experience symptoms of anxiety or depression in response to a significant life change, such as:

  • Divorce
  • Moving to a new Home/City
  • Loss of a family pet
  • Loss of a relative
  • Difficulty making friends
  • Physical or emotional abuse
  • Academic difficulties
  • Bullying
  • Birth of a new sibling
  • Illness of a family member or friend

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!